
Lessons for Today

First of all, one should never, but never, try to whip out a witty post when one is exhausted. Otherwise, it makes for pretty poor reading.

Second of all, today sucked. No need to go into all the details, but take my word for it.

Third of all, other people are a whole lot more interesting and entertaining that I am today. In other words, they actually have a life. Go check out SC&A…the boys are getting into some sex talk. Meanwhile, the Anchoress displays yet another of her many talents –she knows how to share all sorts of good stuff in an interesting way without being interest-ed in anything today. Except maybe ice cream. And then there’s Captain Ed who has this week shown all of us how it’s done…and we must not forget his loyal guard.

So – go on with you now. Scram. I’m tired. And, I’m still at work. So I’m grumpy.

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