
Sleepless. Again.

Yawn. Bunch covers. Sniff. Sneeze. Sniff. Sniff. Toss. Turn. Pound pillow. Turn. Leg stretch. Other leg stretch. Yawn. One sheep. Two sheep. Three Sheep. Itch. Scratch. Sniff. Cough. Damn allergies. Yawn. Open eyes. Pet cat. Purrrrrrr. Roll on side. Snuggle cat. Cat squirms away. Roll on back. Close eyes. Our Father, Who art in Heaven..... One sheep. Two sheep. Yawn. 100 bottles of beer on the wall, a hundred bottles of beer......82 bottles of beer on the wall. Thirsty. Yawn. Fling arm over head. Apologize to the husband. Move arm back to side. Open eyes. Sniff. Sniff. Toss. Turn. Pound pillow. Deeeeeeeeeep Breath, innnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Oooouuuuuuuuuuut. Yawn. Close eyes. Still thirsty. Have to pee. Damnit. Clinch. Ignore. Yawn. Turn onto belly. Wrong move. Get up, go pee. Crawl back in bed. Yawn. Bunch covers. Close eyes. Stretch leg. Stretch other leg. One sheep. Two sheep. Cat returns. Pet cat. Purrrrr. Sniff. Yawn. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm. Ohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm. Three billy goats gruff. How does that go again? Peas porridge hot. Peas porridge cold. Peas porridge in the pot nine days old. Itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout. Eeew. Itch. Scratch. Yawn. No more spiders. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. How did that one go? Toss. Turn. Pop pinky knuckles. Snuggle up against the husband. The husband grumbles, Dear stop, it's HOT. Roll away. Open eyes. Sigh. You are walking down a looonnnggg stair case. One step. Two. Three. Four. Getting drowsy. Yawn. Nope. Burp. Sister's phone number. Cousins phone number. Childhood phone number. Childhood friend's phone number. High school boyfriend's phone number. Yawn. Sniff. Sniff. Damnit. Dog farted. Throw covers over head. Breathe through blankets. Suffocating. Come out from under. Still stinky. Roll onto side. Roll onto belly. Roll onto other side. Bump up against the husband. The husband snarls, pushes back, grabs covers and pulls. Shuffle away from the husband. Pull smidgen of blanket remnants up to chin. Legs uncovered. Yawn. Toss. Turn. Lose control of smidgen of blankets. Cat takes over entire pillow. Purrrrrr. Yawn. Get up. Blog. Yawn.

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