
Giving Ms. Foley What For

Euphoric Reality is talking to journalist Hiawatha Bray who's had it up to "here" with Ms. Foley's remarks. (h/t Meida Slander) The journalist is a a fellow member of the Newspaper Guild. Yeah - the one Ms. Foley thinks she speaks for. Mr. Bray is so hoppin' mad, he started his own blog (Choose Honor).

He's also doing a few other interesting things trying to get Ms. Foley to either put up, shut up, or sit down. Just a hint here:
Bray has taken it upon himself to not just talk about the Foley incident - he’s decided to act.
Partly inspired by Hoffa, I today began my write-in campaign to get on the executive committee of my Newspaper Guild union local. I’m a single-issue candidate: I want Linda Foley to explain herself, and won’t be silent until she does so. And I can do a better job of demanding an explanation if I’m part of the union leadership.

So I went to Kinko’s and made up 100 leaflets, then drove to the newsroom and spread them around. I hope Ms. Foley’s enormity is the talk of the newsroom by this time tomorrow, and that more and more union members will take a stand.

I hope so, too, Mr. Bray, I hope so, too.

Go check out the rest of the article, though. And, maybe drop by Mr. Bray's new site to say hi.

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