
National Day of Prayer in the Woods

Okay. I'm back. A week late - but hey. Back is back, right?

The Mohawk thing was sort of a bummer. I didn't stay for the full three days. Didn't even manage to make it through day one. Got there on Friday and the weather was cold and drizzly. I HATE the cold! Nothing will foul up my mood faster than being cold. Unless it's being cold and WET. Which is exactly what I was by lunch-time on Friday. And that was enough for me. Didn't even stay long enough to meet all those interesting folks, although before I left, I did remember my manners and introduce myself to the Mohawk elder who was leading this particular ceremonial/teaching/storytelling shin-dig. Several friends, of obviously hardier stock than I, managed to stay for the entire three days. I'm told the last day was even half-way pleasant, weather-wise.

I'm officially on vacation now. For the past week I have been busily getting my ducks in a row at work in preparation for my absence, so haven't had much energy, time, or interest for blogging. For my vacation I made plans to camp out and pray in my woods from yesterday through Sunday (Mom's Day) with no food, water, or appreciable shelter - it's called "fasting" - but the weather around here is acting like late-winter rather than mid-spring, and I think I already said I HATE being cold! Well that, plus something else came up which I won't go into. Regardless, the end result is that I'm sitting here at the keyboard, drinking coffee at 1:30 a.m., all warm and comfy and bundled in my wool slippers, flannel pj's and fleece robe instead of freezing my ass off in the woods.

I DID, however, manage to do what I had planned to do for the first day of my fast. Which was to pray for as many people as I possibly could. I started with the husband and the daughter and then just sort of spiraled out from there to extended family, friends, neighbors, etc. By the end of the day I was absolutely amazed at how many people I know and care about. I had no idea praying for everyone would keep me busy all day long, morning till evening. But it did. I also threw in prayers for our nation's leaders for good measure. All in all, I'd say it was a day well spent. And now, for the interesting piece...I had NO IDEA it was the National Day of Prayer. It was a wonderful discovery - to know that I was joining my prayers with so many others nationwide. Way cool!

Will be planning another fast in the woods soon. But not before the weather untangles itself and figures out which damn season it is. Going without food and water for several days is hard enough without being miserably cold as well. And, before anyone tries to lecture me about going without food, water, or fluids of any kind for 3 or 4 days, let me just throw this out there for your edification - People all over the world have fasted and prayed this way for centuries. Entering purposefully into this state in a mindful, prayerful way makes a world of difference in the way the body responds. I realize of course that some folks won't believe me. And, they're the ones who probably shouldn't try this at home.

(Note: If anyone reads this and thinks they might want to try a prayer fast this way... Do NOT attempt it without proper preparation by a minister, spiritual elder, or physician, and always, always, always have a supportive helper nearby - preferably someone who knows basic first-aid, CPR, and your exact location.)

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